

Physiologically, a fresh calendar suggests a fresh start. But realistically, January 1 cannot obliterate the needs and burdens of December 31. What can you do practically to renew your soul for the new year? Look to the cross. There is no challenge in the Christian...
Top 20 from 2012

Top 20 from 2012

As I review and recap the past year in preparation for the new year, I usually take a few moments to review the posts on this blog. My goal is always that upcoming posts would be encouraging, edifying, and helpful. Reviewing last year’s posts in order of those...
Our Newest Grandson: Chandler Paul

Our Newest Grandson: Chandler Paul

Terrie and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our new grandson, Chandler Paul Mordh. Chandler was born December 27 and weighed seven pounds, nine ounces. His mom is doing great (for which we are very thankful), and his older brother is ecstatic. This C-section...
My Most Productive Week of the Year

My Most Productive Week of the Year

I decided years ago that December 26–31 would be filled with more than Christmas dinner leftovers. Yes, this is a time of year to enjoy the season and celebrate, but I have found that it’s a wonderful week to get ready for the year ahead. Typically, I begin jotting...
How to Unwrap Christmas

How to Unwrap Christmas

Don’t make the mistake of enjoying the wrapping of Christmas—activities, time with family, gift exchanges, traditions—without enjoying what is behind the wrapping—the gift. Quite simply, Jesus is the gift of Christmas. And, with Paul, we exclaim, “Thanks be unto God...
One Powerful Paragraph

One Powerful Paragraph

Sometimes you read an entire book for a single illustration or paragraph. Such was the case for me recently in reading Dangerous Calling by Paul Tripp. The paragraph below is worth the entire book. I urge you to read it slowly: It is only love for Christ that can...

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