5 Skills for Healthy Communication

5 Skills for Healthy Communication

This is a guest post by Dr. Jim Schettler, Vice President of Student Affairs at West Coast Baptist College. Dr. Schettler is known for his positive, constructive communication skills. In this post, he shares practical principles for communication. I once heard a story...


For years, I’ve taught that we must take time to “come apart” (for replenishment) before we “come apart” (from overwhelmment). And he said unto them, Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while: for there were many coming and going, and they had no...
9 Marks of Excellence in Church Leadership

9 Marks of Excellence in Church Leadership

Excellence—it’s important in any area, and it’s vital in leadership, particularly spiritual leadership. The quality of a work is unlikely to rise above the quality of the leader. This is why—when it comes to local church ministry—spiritual leaders must maintain a...
5 Ways Dads Can Redeem the Time

5 Ways Dads Can Redeem the Time

If you are a father with children at home, you are a blessed man. It seems just yesterday that I snapped the picture above. In reality, it was twenty years ago. When it comes to parenting, time flies. And I don’t regret a second of that fleeting time that I invested...
Quotes to Encourage

Quotes to Encourage

  I appreciate the way a concise quote can define and relate profound truth. For a change of pace,  I’m sharing twenty-five quotes on today’s blog that are among my favorites.  Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.—D.L. Moody Prayer is...

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