The local church has to be the place for broken lives to be put back together. That’s what restoration is all about.

Restoration is a large word. Its application ranges from a minimal situation involving a slight offense to someone who has delved into deep sin who needs a body of restoring counselors to bring them back.

In this week’s Growth Points video, I’d like to share four basic principles relating to restoration.

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.)

  1. Ask inductive questions.
  2. Share counsel from a biblical standpoint.
  3. Maintain confidences.
  4. Work with the offended party.

When it comes to offenses, God is more interested in resolving the problem than assigning blame. In this blame shifting world in which we live, we need some problem solvers in the church. May God use you as a biblical and grace-filled problem solver this week.

Make sure you get all future Growth Points videos by subscribing to the Spiritual Leadership Podcast.

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