by Dr. Paul Chappell | Mar 16, 2018 | Ministry News
One of the great highlights of our recent trip to Asia was seeing West Coast Baptist College graduates who are serving in ministry and planting churches across Asia. Throughout Spiritual Leadership Conference Asia, we had the privilege of visiting with graduates who...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Feb 13, 2018 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership, Ministry News
Dr. Bobby Roberson, a faithful servant, great pastor, and a friend to pastors across America, went home to be with the Lord this past Monday. To say that he will be greatly missed is an understatement. Over the years, I’ve been privileged to spend time and...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 15, 2018 | Christian Life
In the early days at Lancaster Baptist Church, I gave a “Visit with the Pastor” almost every Sunday night in which I tried to infuse our young church with the DNA of New Testament Christianity. Usually these were a brief topical lesson on topics ranging from how to...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Oct 3, 2017 | Ministry Leadership
Someone told me on Sunday that October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” I know this isn’t what they had in mind, but it got me thinking about what I appreciate about being a pastor. Unfortunately, it’s not difficult to find people in ministry who poormouth the...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jul 17, 2017 | Christian Life
In our heads, we know there is a ripple effect to our influence. But in reality, we tend to forget it. Terrie and I have been especially reminded this year of the incredible power of influence as we have said goodbye to two godly ladies who have gone to...