Bishop Robinson at Inaugural Prayer

Bishop Robinson at Inaugural Prayer

President-elect Barack Obama selected Bishop Robinson, the Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire, to open the inaugural ceremonies with a special prayer at the Lincoln Memorial yesterday. Bishop Robinson is an openly practicing homosexual. There were singers at the...
Focus on the Middle East

Focus on the Middle East

The Scriptures give us many indications of the last times. The Bible speaks of wars, rumors of wars, pestilence, earthquakes, and many other events that will take place preceding the Tribulation. One of the obvious indicators in Scripture concerning the last days is...
Newsweek Author Promotes Gay Marriage

Newsweek Author Promotes Gay Marriage

Last week Newsweek magazine came out with a cover article entitled “The Religious Case for Gay Marriage.” The author of the article attempts to use the Bible to defend gay marriage. In one of the worst examples of modern day journalism I have ever seen, I...
Catholic-Muslim Summit

Catholic-Muslim Summit

As I read the newspaper on November 4th, it was interesting to me to note that on the same day as our nation headed to the polls to cast their ballot for President, Catholic and Muslim leaders met together at the Vatican to discuss their two religions. These leaders,...

Regarding the Election

Last week citizens of California and America went to the polls to cast their votes for elected officials and various propositions in their states. As a Christian, a husband, a parent, and a pastor, I am thankful that California voted to amend our Constitution to state...

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