Last week citizens of California and America went to the polls to cast their votes for elected officials and various propositions in their states.

As a Christian, a husband, a parent, and a pastor, I am thankful that California voted to amend our Constitution to state that marriage is “between a man and a woman.” A brief reading of the book of Genesis helps us understand that this was God’s original design. We serve a loving God, who is also a God of order and holiness. I am thankful for all those who worked to support Proposition 8 in this state.

—Regarding the Presidential Election—

As I consider the presidential election, the following thoughts come to my heart:

I am confident. My Saviour, Jesus Christ, is my hope for change. The Bible says, “If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature.” As a pastor, I have always placed my hope in the Gospel message as the way to bring change to our nation. Philippians 1:6 says, “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:” Not only am I confident in Christ’s saving power, but I am confident in His eternal plan. My Lord holds sovereign sway over the direction of history. Political consultant Robert Strauss once said, “Everybody in government is like a bunch of ants on a log floating down the river. Each one thinks he is guiding the log, but is really just going with the flow.” I am confident the flow of history is directed by our Saviour’s plan.

I am convinced.
I am convinced of the greatness of our democracy. As you, I love America with all of my heart. Although I strongly disagree with certain positions held by Barack Obama, and I am concerned about his global agenda and aspirations, I cannot help but thank God for the land in which I live. When a man like Barack Obama can come from obscurity and be voted as President, it is a testimony to democracy. I will obey the command of Scripture to pray for him, and I will pray that those few God-fearing people in Washington, D.C. will have the right testimonies toward influencing him whenever possible.

I am concerned.
I must say that I am concerned for our nation at this time. While the charismatic speech and leadership of Barack Obama has been impressive, and the election of a black president is historically exciting, I am concerned that Americans have knowingly elected a man who does not stand with biblical teaching on the subject of the unborn. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Understanding the Scripture’s teachings on God’s view of life is not above anyone’s pay grade. It is very simply written in the Word of God. Furthermore, in Mr. Obama’s acceptance speech, he stated that he is proud to be the president of many people groups, including gay and straight people. I am concerned that the promotion by elected officials of the homosexual lifestyle will continue to degrade the status of the biblical family in America. I am concerned with what appears to be the global approach to government in the heart of Barack Obama. I was equally distressed when George Bush, Sr. spoke about the new world order. Christians recognize that there is a coming new world order, and there will be a global platform that will be mounted by someone who is in opposition to the Lord Jesus Christ. In Mr. Obama’s acceptance speech, he spoke to the nations of the world and said, “Our destiny is shared.” Those are prophetic words indeed.

I am committed.
I am committed to keeping the main thing, the main thing. The main thing for me and for the Lancaster Baptist Church has been the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” I am still persuaded that the Gospel of Jesus Christ changes lives. I remain wholly committed to preaching the Gospel and getting the Gospel to every corner of this world. I remain committed to preaching the whole counsel of God, for I believe the scriptural teaching, which says, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” I will love my neighbor and pray for my nation, even though it may become increasingly intolerant toward me. I will remain committed to the truths and teachings of the Scriptures in a day when many are compromising and turning away from this truth.

Let us be challenged today to pray for our leaders, to pray for our nation, and to remain steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord.

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