Two Sins Common to Spiritual Leaders

Two Sins Common to Spiritual Leaders

It’s common to human nature—we want surface fixes. Pastors know this from counseling. You meet with someone who has major needs in his life, but all he really wants is a quick fix to the immediate crisis—not the help to deal with the root causes. Pastors are guilty of...
Where Freedom Rings

Where Freedom Rings

Two hundred forty-one years ago, our forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence—a document that shaped the future of the American colonies, setting their destiny as a mighty nation. By signing this document, courageous men boldly stated the value they placed...
Summertime Suggestions for Families

Summertime Suggestions for Families

The typical American attitude about summer is that it is a great time to kick back and relax. But could there be more to it? As a parent, when our children were young, Terrie and I saw summer as a time to invest in their lives in ways that were not as possible during...

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