The Battle Is the Lord’s

The Battle Is the Lord’s

Sometimes, given the overwhelming nature of ministry, we tend to default to one of two extremes: giving up or pushing forward in our own strength.  Both are doomed to failure.  God does call us to fight: Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,...
Grandmother Chappell in Heaven

Grandmother Chappell in Heaven

Just after Spiritual Leadership Conference concluded in Lancaster last week, Terrie and I got a call that my 100-year-old grandmother was nearing Heaven, and we should come see her soon. We came as quickly as we could, and she entered the presence of Christ last...
10 Ideas for Pastoral Summer Growth

10 Ideas for Pastoral Summer Growth

If your schedule is anything like mine, from Thanksgiving to early June is booked. Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, starting off new school semesters, winter revival, stewardship emphasis, Easter, graduations…. It fills up pretty fast.  Because I know this happens...

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