Dedicating My Granddaughter

Dedicating My Granddaughter

I had the privilege of praying with Jon and Kristine last night to dedicate our second grandchild—Delanie Lynne—to the Lord. Baby dedications at our church are always special to me, but this one was especially precious. There is nothing like dedicating your own...


It was a joy on Tuesday evening to preach the ordination service for Pastor Aaron Irlbacher. Brother Irlbacher is a graduate of West Coast Baptist College and has just recently become the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Roy, Washington. I’m thankful for the three...
A Father’s Moment of Joy

A Father’s Moment of Joy

The sixteenth commencement exercise for West Coast Baptist College this past Wednesday marked a significant milestone for our family. Our youngest son, Matthew, and his wife, Katie, graduated. As they walked across the platform, I thought of 3 John 4, “I have no...

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