Father’s Day Weekend

Father’s Day Weekend

As we approach Father’s Day weekend, we are reminded of the great and important role of fatherhood in our society. Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says, Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: 5 And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul,...
A Special Birthday

A Special Birthday

Last Friday I had the privilege of attending my grandmother Chappell’s ninetieth birthday celebration. It is hard to imagine all she has experience in her life. She was married to my grandfather at the age of sixteen, and together they literally cleared the land and...
Family Hope

Family Hope

Sunday we enjoyed a great Mother’s Day with our family and our church family.  I thank the Lord for my wife, Terrie, and for her faithful love and nurture given to our children over the years.  Her wisdom and thoughts have been a treasure in our lives, and it is...
Our Family Mission Statement

Our Family Mission Statement

Years ago when our kids were elementary age, Terrie and I planned a day to get away in order to articulate the purpose of our family. After much prayer and Scripture reading, I took out a blank sheet of stationary and wrote these words: The mission of our family is to...
Jon and Kristi's Wedding

Jon and Kristi's Wedding

Yesterday was one of the most joyous days in our lives as Terrie and I had the privilege of seeing our daughter Kristine become the wife of a godly young man, Jon Sisson. Jon is a missionaries’ son from the Philippines. He and Kristi met and fell in love here at...

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