by Dr. Paul Chappell | Oct 14, 2022 | Current Events, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
It was a blessing to host Coach Joe Kennedy and Attorney Jeremy Dys on our campus last month as special guests at Spiritual Leadership Conference. For those who were at the conference, the evening we thanked Coach Kennedy for his stand will not be one to soon forget....
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 4, 2022 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
It’s hard for me to believe that I have been preaching now for forty years and have been blessed to pastor the same church for thirty-six years. As I look back over the journey, I’ve tried to note ten of the essential principles that have kept me and our church...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | May 9, 2022 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
When the Lord first brought me into the pastorate, I was twenty-four years old and had a great desire to reach people in our community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. It’s hard to believe that a few weeks ago, I celebrated my sixtieth birthday, and in a few more...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Feb 7, 2022 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
Mentoring may be a corporate buzzword, but when you think about it, the whole idea of mentoring is a biblical process. From Jesus mentoring His disciples to Paul mentoring Timothy and Titus, we see these kinds of relationships throughout the Bible, including the New...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 6, 2021 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
When it comes to approaching a new year, there are some common pitfalls ministry leaders fall into. One is that they don’t plan at all, and another is that they set monumental goals without creating a functional plan that has practical value. On one hand, we know...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Sep 10, 2021 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
We’re ministering in a day when it often seems that Christian leaders are looking for a reason to disagree with or disregard one another. But when we take this approach, we miss out on the fellowship, support, encouragement, prayers, mentoring, and more that God would...