Every church and ministry has processes of how they conduct their mission. Often, however, those processes are ill-defined. No one has taken the time to list what processes are required, let alone to evaluate their effectiveness or make adjustments. 

From beginning to end, we are dependent on the Holy Spirit and the power of His Word to see fruit in ministry. It is Christ who builds His church (Matthew 16:18). But amazingly, He has chosen to use us as His co-laborers. “For we are labourers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9). 

Because of the great responsibility God has entrusted to us as undershepherds and servant leaders of His people, we should give attention to how we manage the projects and processes of ministry. For example, do you have a clearly defined process for 

  • Involving members in the work of the ministry?
  • Following up on guests?
  • Providing ongoing training to small group leaders?
  • Planning each church service and communicating with those involved?
  • Coordinating strategic outreach to your community?

Churches struggle when they establish goals without a strategy and ministry without structure. If you set a goal to see a certain number of people baptized this year or to see your missions budget increase, but you have no strategy for how that will take place, you’ll be frustrated. Similarly, if you have areas of ministry—small groups, music, outreach, etc.—without providing structure, those who serve with you will be frustrated. 

Churches struggle when they establish goals without a strategy and ministry without structure. Share on X

Providing leadership in ministry process management is important because the work of God is important. This isn’t about becoming some kind of management guru; it’s about more effectively reaching people with the gospel. In other words, the process is important because the work itself is important. And if we are willing to steward the process diligently, we can see greater fruit to the glory of God.

Providing leadership in ministry process management is important because the work of God is important. Share on X

In this new episode of the Spiritual Leadership Podcast, I sit down with Pastor Tim Christoson to discuss biblical project and process management. Tim served on our staff here at Lancaster Baptist Church for eighteen years before moving to Howell, Michigan, to pastor the Bible Baptist Church. While serving here, he provided tremendous help in the kind of project and process management we discuss in this episode. I pray this episode is a help and encouragement to you.

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