No More Excuses

No More Excuses

[Today’s post is a guest post by Dr. Rick Flanders. Dr. Flanders is an evangelist sent out of First Baptist Church of Bridgeport, Michigan. He has been in full time ministry since 1973 and preaches revival meetings around the country.] One great obstacle to progress...
Book Review: The Promise

Book Review: The Promise

I not only reread The Promise, but I highlighted it heavily both times through. This encouraging book illuminates one of the most often quoted promises in the Bible—Romans 8:28. Author Robert Morgan has divided this book into two parts. Beginning with a word-by-word...
Leading a Church through Transition

Leading a Church through Transition

A growing church is always in transition. From building programs to classroom changes to staff adjustments to schedule flexes to responsibility changes to added ministries, a growing church must constantly prepare for the transitions that come with growth. Transitions...
Massacred for the Faith

Massacred for the Faith

Our tears are no longer of water; they are of blood; they do not merely obscure our sight, they choke our very hearts.—Waldensians of Italy after what is known today as the Massacre of Piedmont. In January of 1655, the Duke of Savoy forced a cruel choice upon the...
5 Ways to Be God’s Friend

5 Ways to Be God’s Friend

[This is a guest post by Pastor Kurt Skelly. Pastor Skelly has been the senior pastor of Harvest Baptist Church since 1996. By God’s enablement, Harvest Baptist Church has seen remarkable growth. Brother Skelly is an engaging Bible preacher and recently preached for...

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