6 Ways to Lift Another’s Load

6 Ways to Lift Another’s Load

An old Yiddish proverb says, “God gave burdens, also shoulders.” But have you ever felt that your shoulders were too weak to bear your burdens? This is one reason God has made the church a family—that we might bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). Often, God...
Where Will the Pressure Push Israel?

Where Will the Pressure Push Israel?

Recent news has reported increased pressure on Israel. From within and without, she is being pushed to accept a Palestinian State with her own borders drawn at indefensible lines. If we look at this situation through the lens of Bible prophecy, it’s not difficult to...
What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

I don’t know if angels ever yawn, but if they do, I would imagine they do it during most of our moments of greatest excitement—when our favorite team scores a touchdown, when we drive a hole-in-one, when our hunting bullet successfully finds its mark in big game, or...
Where Is the Tolerance?

Where Is the Tolerance?

For a nation that has adopted a mantra of tolerance, someone seems to have missed the memo. In the 9/11 commemorative services at Washington National Cathedral, representatives from several religions will be leading—including a Buddhist nun, an Imam, a rabbi, and a...

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