How to Grow the Church by Keeping it Small

How to Grow the Church by Keeping it Small

To me, our church isn’t that large. Sure, the numbers have grown over the past quarter of a century, but I’ve been here through each stage of growth. On any given service, I can look across our auditorium and see people whom I’ve led to the Lord, baptized, dedicated...
The Solution to Self

The Solution to Self

There is no challenge in the Christian life but that a look to the cross won’t give you a fresh start. For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds.—Hebrews 12:3 I am crucified with Christ:...
The Humility Question

The Humility Question

After preaching the Monday night service of a Striving Together meeting a few years ago, a visiting pastor asked me a question: “How do you stay humble?” That question was a first, and I was taken aback by it. I figured he was expecting a deeply insightful answer, but...
3 Myths about Marriage

3 Myths about Marriage

One of the greatest dangers to any relationship—especially marriage—is fantastical expectations. Somewhere along the line, we buy into lies from the enemy of what marriage should be and what our spouses should give us. The predictable result of these unreasonable...
Tech or Touch

Tech or Touch

One of my pet peeves is email. More specifically, it is email that is used as a substitute for a personal touch. Ministry is people work. It involves building real relationships and nurturing spiritual growth. Hebrews 10:24 instructs us to, “consider one another to...

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