Less than a week before we launched our Elevate & Magnify building campaign, a man in our church who is serving as the volunteer spokesman for the campaign stopped by my office.

We talked and planned together for several minutes about upcoming events, and then he said it—one sentence that did more to encourage my heart than the entire conversation previous:

“Pastor, I just want you to know that I’m all in.”

All in! Those words replayed in my mind through the next weeks. And every time I hear them again, they encourage me.

My overwhelming desire and passion is to see people grow in their walk with the Lord and become fruitful in their Christian lives. To this end, I pray, study, and prepare sermons for our church family. To this end, I do my best to provide vigilant spiritual oversight. To this end, I write notes, counsel, and earnestly pray for the members of our church. To this end, I seek God’s direction for our church ministries and His provision for expanding our facilities.

As a pastor, I’m all in. I couldn’t fill my role any other way.

But what a tremendous encouragement to me to hear someone else voluntarily express whole-hearted involvement and commitment.

How long has it been since you specifically told your Pastor that you are fully on board? Perhaps you assume your pastor just knows it. He might, but it would still encourage him to hear you specifically say it. Write a note or tell him in person.

You will never know how greatly you will encourage your pastor when you express a heart of complete investment and grateful support.

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