by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jul 20, 2013 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
I appreciate the way a concise quote can define and relate profound truth. For a change of pace, I’m sharing twenty-five quotes on today’s blog that are among my favorites. Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.—D.L. Moody Prayer is...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jul 4, 2013 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
The Declaration of Independence was a statement against all odds. To some, it could have been called, The Declaration of Insanity. How could thirteen fledgling colonies win a war against the mother country? How could rough pioneers and poor farmers advance against a...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | May 21, 2013 | Media/Resources, Ministry Leadership, Ministry News
Over the past several months, I’ve been writing a book for independent Baptist pastors and leaders—The Road Ahead. This book shares personal midcourse adjustments the Lord has worked in my spirit and ministry philosophy. Particularly, it addresses the needs I see in...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 29, 2013 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
I’ve seen it more times than I want to remember, and it’s the most tragic aspect of my labor for the Lord. A spiritual leader goes from having a growing walk with the Lord and a healthy ministry to a seemingly sudden state of decline. Before you know it, his life is...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 27, 2013 | Christian Life
There’s not a committed Christian in America who wouldn’t like revival. But I’m afraid there are few who are desperate for revival. We stand in dire need of revival, but we don’t always carry a personal urgency for revival. Much of the book of Lamentations is the cry...