7 Hindrances to Prayer

7 Hindrances to Prayer

Prayer is the amazing line God has provided for direct access to His throne. D.L. Moody once said, “Next to the wonder of seeing my Savior will be, I think, the wonder that I made so little use of the power of prayer.” Truly, it is a resource we should...
Dedicating My Grandson

Dedicating My Grandson

I had the joyous privilege of joining Peter and Danielle in dedicating my grandson, Camden, to the Lord during our Sunday evening service at church two weeks ago. I like to choose a verse for each baby at our church baby dedications. For Camden, I chose my own...
Praying and Trusting

Praying and Trusting

I wanted to take a moment today to thank our many friends who are praying and trusting God with us regarding the physical needs in our son Larry’s life as well as our spiritual need for God’s sustaining grace and power. About a week before Thanksgiving, Larry was...

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