by Dr. Paul Chappell | Apr 22, 2013 | Media/Resources, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
There is no doubt that God’s grace is amazing and that His liberty to believers is abundant. But what happens when we mix the truth of liberty with the spirit of pragmatism? (If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.) We live in...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Apr 12, 2013 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
I believe in checklists. Actually, I believe in lists, period. They help me keep focused on completing projects, and they keep me from forgetting important details. In Philippians 2, we have a checklist of a different sort—qualities of a productive Christian servant....
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Apr 5, 2013 | Media/Resources, Ministry Leadership
Leading in ministry is like walking a tightrope. Not only does it require delicate balance, but the stakes are high if we slip. As spiritual leaders, it is our responsibility to walk with balance. Ephesians 5:15 puts it succinctly—“walk circumspectly.” But if we were...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Apr 3, 2013 | Ministry Leadership, Ministry News
The longer I serve in ministry, the more I recognize the value of working with young people. In fact, the longer I serve, the more I believe we should pour more of ourselves into serving our youth. Some of the most significant decisions of my life I made as a...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Mar 21, 2013 | Current Events, Ministry News
The Bible instructs in Romans 13:1, “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.” This week the Lord gave us a special opportunity to encourage some of our national leaders and let them...