10 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor

10 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor

Nearly every week, we have a church call our ministry to ask for a pastor recommendation. We’re often able to recommend someone—in many cases, a graduate of West Coast Baptist College. A few days ago, I had a conversation with a deacon from a church in Colorado. His...
A Practical Blueprint for a Christian Home

A Practical Blueprint for a Christian Home

If you are constructing a building, you don’t want me as the carpenter! In years of church building programs, I’ve learned a little about construction processes, inspections, and codes. But, trust me, you do not need my construction skills—unless you’re hoping for a...
10 Lessons from 60 Years

10 Lessons from 60 Years

Two weeks ago, I was sitting on the edge of my seat listening to a lesson Dr. Don Sisk gave at our annual staff training. It was titled “Principles for Life” and was full of biblical, practical advice. Dr. Don Sisk is eighty years old and has served the Lord for sixty...

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