One Book for a Long Journey

One Book for a Long Journey

David Livingstone is said to have begun his expedition into the heart of Africa with over seventy books in three cases with a cumulative weight of almost two hundred pounds. A doctor and an explorer by trade, these books were precious as needed reference to...
When God Prunes, Don’t Resist

When God Prunes, Don’t Resist

No Christian enjoys the pain of purging. But every Christian who is walking in the Spirit wants to bear fruit. Jesus made it clear that purging is part of the process of fruit bearing. In John 15, Christ compares Himself to a vine and us to branches. Obviously, the...
Thoughts from Down Under

Thoughts from Down Under

Terrie and I have had the privilege of ministering in Australia for several days. We are wrapping up our meetings today and tomorrow in Rock Hampton, Australia, with Pastor Robert Bakss. It has been a great privilege to participate in several services during which...

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