David Livingstone is said to have begun his expedition into the heart of Africa with over seventy books in three cases with a cumulative weight of almost two hundred pounds. A doctor and an explorer by trade, these books were precious as needed reference to Livingstone.

But as Livingstone’s party trekked into the heart of Africa, it became obvious that some of the books would have to go. Some of his carriers deserted, leaving less men to carry the load. Of those who remained, many were weakened through fatigue and fever. Over the journey, Livingstone’s library became smaller and smaller as he was forced to discard the weight of his books in the jungle.

When he reached the end of the expedition, he had one book remaining—the Bible. Out of a seventy book library of materials needed for his trade, the only book that was truly indispensible was God’s Book.

If there is one resource we need, if there is one book we must read and study, it is God’s Word.

I read a great deal, and I often refer books that I have found beneficial to others.

And yet, I’m concerned that we are sometimes more eager to read the lastest or most highly referred “must read” in our field of interest or work than we are to read the only book that we truly must read!

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