Bedside Theology

Bedside Theology

There’s nothing like a hospital room to condense your thoughts into the truly important. Something about the tubes, monitors, hoses, gloves, gowns, and even the smell all serve to rivet your mind on the eternal. During a recent visit to a hospital bedside, I read...
5 Benefits of a Leadership Retreat

5 Benefits of a Leadership Retreat

During a particularly pressing season of ministry, Jesus invited His disciples, “Come ye yourselves apart into a desert place, and rest a while” (Mark 6:31). I have not always executed this command well, and at times I have even felt guilty when I pulled away from my...


It is my conviction that Americans should exercise their right to vote. And it is especially my conviction that American Christians should vote for the candidate whom will most uphold the biblical values of our nation. Why? Because voting is a patriotic privilege—and...

Journey with Jesus

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.) The longer I walk with the Lord, the more convinced I am that knowing and loving Jesus Christ is really what the Christian life is all about. As a pastor, more than I want my church...
Repeating Miracles

Repeating Miracles

If you want to read some thriller stories, pick up a biography about Hudson Taylor, David Livingstone, or William Carey. If you want to be stirred by heroic endurance and courage, read about Adoniram Judson, Mary Slessor, or Amy Carmichael. These Christians—and a host...

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