7 Steps to Christmas Peace

7 Steps to Christmas Peace

It’s strange that the very time of year we celebrate “peace on earth” is one of the most frazzled and hectic. But Christmastime or not, many of us grind through our days with a heart empty of peace. The world is filled with overload of all kinds. But God’s children...
Our Newest Miracle

Our Newest Miracle

After nine months of waiting, what a joy it was to welcome our newest granddaughter, Leighton Olivia Chappell, to our family! Born December 1 at 4:53 a.m., Leighton weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and was 20 and 3/4 inches long. Larry and Ashley are doing great (as proud...
2 Practical Thanksgiving Admonitions

2 Practical Thanksgiving Admonitions

Psalm 105 is rich with practical admonitions for Thanksgiving. But two in particular have captured my attention this year: “Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him: talk ye of all his wondrous works.”—Psalm 105:2 Sing to Him I’m planning to preach this Sunday from Luke 1...
The Overlooked Problem of Speed

The Overlooked Problem of Speed

Patience has never been one of my natural virtues. My preferred mode of operation is to set my eyes on a goal and start moving that direction—as quickly as possible. In part, I believe this drive in the hearts of leaders is a God-given gift. It keeps us challenged,...

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