14 Reasons I Love Terrie

14 Reasons I Love Terrie

Her Love for the Lord—My wife did not come from a Christian home, but she established her own consistent walk with God after being saved through a bus ministry in Northern California. Her love for me—We’ve been married for over thirty-two years, and I’ve...
Friendship, Dating, and Preparing for Marriage

Friendship, Dating, and Preparing for Marriage

People use different words to describe it, but every Christian dad I know wants it for his children—a pure and emotionally healthy path to the marriage altar. By God’s grace, Terrie and I have watched all four of our children fall in love and marry the spouse of their...
You Pick Five

You Pick Five

Some of the most impressionable memories are those of personal encouragement. Most of us can easily remember timely words or actions of encouragement that took place even years ago. So, who have you intentionally encouraged lately? If you want to make a difference in...
How Desperate Are You?

How Desperate Are You?

There’s not a committed Christian in America who wouldn’t like revival. But I’m afraid there are few who are desperate for revival. We stand in dire need of revival, but we don’t always carry a personal urgency for revival. Much of the book of Lamentations is the cry...

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