10 Ways to Share Christ during December

10 Ways to Share Christ during December

One of the reasons I love the Christmas season is that it is such a great time of year for initiating gospel conversations. Between the special church events and the fact that many people still do want to go to church to celebrate Christmas, this is also the easiest...
7 Ways You Can Keep Christ in Christmas

7 Ways You Can Keep Christ in Christmas

You’ve heard it (and maybe shared it): “Keep Christ in Christmas.” It’s a great thought…but do you do it? December can be such a busy month. Even busy with ministry. But sometimes in all the busyness of the season, we’re as guilty as the innkeeper of not making room...
5 Practical Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving

5 Practical Ways to Celebrate Thanksgiving

I love Thanksgiving for many reasons, but perhaps the greatest is that it helps us schedule a day to do what we should be doing every day of the year—give thanks. Thanksgiving, of course, is more than a holiday—it should be a verb. So how, practically speaking, can we...

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