by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 11, 2018 | Christian Life
In less than one year’s time, the Welsh Revival of 1904–1905 saw 100,000 people saved. This great moving of God’s Spirit came through the preaching of a twenty-six-year-old preacher named Evan Roberts, who had prayed for revival for eleven years. So many were...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 8, 2018 | Christian Life, Ministry News
How many of us through the years have prayed, Psalm 85:6, “Wilt thou not revive us again: that thy people may rejoice in thee?” In truth, we need revival. I know of no greater need for our nation, the church where I pastor, or my own life than revival. This is why our...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 4, 2018 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
This is developed from a blog I originally posted several months ago but have edited to include additional Scripture, illustrations, charts, and a letter from Dr. Curtis Hutson. When I was growing up in the 70s, the watchword among independent Baptists was separation....
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 1, 2018 | Christian Life
It’s become a habit of mine—throughout the month of December, I jot down areas in which I want to grow in the new year as they come to mind. Then somewhere during the week between Christmas and New Years, I write out specific goals. It would be nice if that was the...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 29, 2017 | Family, Media/Resources
As both a dad and a pastor, one of the areas I believe is most crucial, and perhaps most often lacking, in Christian homes is to have a daily time when families come together around God’s Word. From the time our children were young, Terrie and I began this practice,...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 27, 2017 | Ministry Leadership
Each year at Lancaster Baptist Church, on the first Sunday of January, we reveal to our church family a new scriptural theme for the coming year. This theme flows out of much prayer and preparation that has taken place for six or seven months in advance of the new...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 24, 2017 | Christian Life
A few years ago, I wrote a little book titled Christmas Is a Gift. In it, I pointed out that Christmas itself is the gift of Christ’s presence: Emmanuel—God with us! But if Christmas is a gift, how do we unwrap it? How do we celebrate the gift, not just enjoy the...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 14, 2017 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
As we’re just weeks away now from the start of a new year, most of us are thinking toward what changes we’d like to make or goals we’d like to pursue in the coming twelve months. As a pastor, I’m already weeks into preparing ministry goals for our church, and I’m...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 11, 2017 | Family
Parenting is not for the faint of heart. And I’m not just referring to the hazards of stepping on legos in the middle of the night. (Although legos do qualify as a parenting hazard.) But primarily I’m referring to the responsibility parents have to shepherd their...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Dec 8, 2017 | Christian Life
We know that Jesus is the reason for the season. But how much of our season actually is centered around celebrating Christ? It’s so easy in the rush of responsibilities to see December as more of a to-do list than as a month of special opportunity to lift up Christ....