by Dr. Paul Chappell | Feb 2, 2021 | Christian Life, Family
I remember as a nineteen-year-old, newly-married husband driving home from work and asking the Lord to cleanse my mind of the language I had heard on the job site that day. I sang, quoted Scripture, and asked God to wash my mind of the vulgarities of the day. I hated...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 25, 2021 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
For the first several months of the Coronavirus pandemic, I found myself needing to make constant in-the-moment assessments and adjustments as I sought to lead our church family. Now—prayerfully, and with God’s help, as vaccines get distributed, it looks like we could...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 18, 2021 | Christian Life, Ministry News
Through the years, I have collected various quotes on revival. One that stands out is by G. Campbell Morgan: “Revival cannot be organized, but we can set our sails to catch the wind from heaven when God chooses to blow upon His people once again.” Revival cannot be...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jan 11, 2021 | Christian Life, Current Events
It’s a question I have heard frequently—perhaps daily—for over ten months: “When is life going to get back to normal?” Sometimes it takes other forms: “Will things ever get back to normal?” “Is this going to be the new normal?” The civil unrest of earlier this year,...