Many of us know by heart the instructions Paul wrote to Timothy concerning reproducing committed disciples of Christ:

And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.—2 Timothy 2:2

While visiting Crete, we saw an amazing testimony to this truth in the remembrance of the ten martyrs of Crete who were beheaded under the reign of Decius.

As we saw yesterday, Paul had left Titus in Crete to provide leadership in the churches, including appointing elders (pastors). 

Less than two centuries later, ten disciples of Christ, remembered today as the ten martyrs of Crete, gave their lives for the gospel of Jesus Christ after thirty days of extreme torture. Their faithfulness to Christ is a reminder of the necessity of discipleship. 

Paul discipled Titus, who discipled others, who continued the process…so that even two centuries later, there were faithful disciples who loved Christ more than their very lives. 

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This post is the third in our tour. The earlier posts are listed below:

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