It’s hard to believe that it was just two weeks ago we were beginning Spiritual Leadership Conference 2019. The Lord blessed the conference tremendously. I can’t remember a better spirit than at this year’s conference. (All of the services and the sessions are available for free download at under the media tab. I hope they are a blessing to you!)

After the conference, Terrie and I received word that my 100-year-old grandmother would soon be with the Lord. We hurried to Cortez, Colorado, and she entered the presence of Jesus that Sunday night. Her funeral service was a great tribute to her faithfulness to the Lord and to others in prayer and soulwinning. Thank you for your prayers for our family during this time.

As blessed as these past couple weeks have been, I am out of fuel! As Terrie and I begin our summer vacation, our deacons encouraged us to take time to really unplug and recharge. I’m thankful for their sensitivity and look forward to some time to decompress after an incredibly full six months, and then to study deeply and work with renewed creativity on our church’s 2020 strategic plan. To make the most of this time, I’m planning to unplug from blogging. If past experience is predictive, I know that this kind of unplugging will be renewing. In fact, in whatever vacation or mini-vacation you may be planning this summer, I’d encourage you to plan with it some unplugged time to recharge!

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