When I think of someone who models the joy of the Lord in ministry, I think of Dr. Don Sisk.

What is so remarkable about Dr. Sisk is that he has been serving the Lord for nearly sixty-five years and still has the joy of the Lord.

This year at Spiritual Leadership Conference, we were privileged to hear him teach a session on “10 Principles for Life.” Even though I have heard Dr. Sisk teach these before to our staff and read his book on them, I was challenged and encouraged by them once again.

The ten principles Dr. Sisk teaches and explains are these:

  1. Relationships are more important than fame or things.
  2. Nothing anyone can do to me can harm me; only my reaction will harm me.
  3. It is more blessed to give than to receive.
  4. Each person is a creation of God and is unique.
  5. Happiness is a by-product of faithfulness to God and not a goal.
  6. If I am careful to do the little things well, the big things will take care of themselves.
  7. Change is always possible. Neither success nor failure is final.
  8. I must not take myself too seriously.
  9. Everyone and everything are my teachers. We are interdependent.
  10. Be all that you are wherever you are.

To hear a man in his eighties share how God has used these principles in his life and teach them from the Word of God is challenging and helpful.

This session was recorded by video, and I invite you to watch and listen to it as well.

(If you cannot see this video in your RSS reader or email, you can watch it here.)
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