It’s hard to believe that I began this blog just over five years ago. As I recap the last year of blogging, I want to thank each reader for your time over 2011. It is always my goal that the time you spend here is an investment—providing help and encouragement for your life and ministry. And I’m always thankful for your feedback and suggestions.

Here is a quick summary of the top twenty posts of 2011—in case you missed any of these.

  1. A Clean Name or a New Name—Written shortly after a major news broadcast maligned “Independent Fundamental Baptists,” this post contains some thoughts on a godly response.
  2. In Defense of Pastor Jeffress—The overwhelmingly negative reaction to one pastor’s simple answer to a question indicates the strong public censure of truth.
  3. 3 Preachers Who Should Quit—I wouldn’t normally suggest that any preacher should quit, yet there are three types who should definitely throw in the towel.
  4. 20 Characteristics of a Christ-Like Leader—A simple list of twenty attributes that I believe characterize the life and leadership of a biblical Christ-like leader. (Interestingly, this post was actually published in 2009, but it continues to be one of the highest-read articles on this blog.)
  5. Why Disneyland Is Good for Pastors and Grandfathers—Sometimes we pastors take things too seriously. There is no joy like being a grandpa!
  6. Questions to Ask When CriticizedOver the years, I’ve learned the importance of both receiving and filtering criticism. This post lists several questions that have been helpful to me.
  7. Our New Granddaughter—No question about it, Delanie Lynne has her grandpa’s heart!
  8. 5 Principles for Achieving Goals—Setting goals is the first step toward growth, but seeing them realized requires more.
  9. Before You Click “Send”—This is a simple challenge regarding electronic communication.
  10. A Father’s Moment of Joy—Like the Apostle John, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” (3 John 4).
  11. New Mobile Outreach App—This year, we launched an outreach app for both iTunes and the Android market. This tool has been helpful to me in soulwinning.
  12. 3 Roles in Local Church Leadership—I see three primary roles that godly, Spirit-filled church leaders are called to fill.
  13. Where Is the Tolerance?—On the tenth anniversary of 9/11, tolerance seemed to become a word for everyone but Christians.
  14. The Best Advice I Ever Received—Early in my ministry, I had the opportunity to sit down with Dr. Lee Roberson and ask him a list of questions. His answer was undoubtedly the best advice I ever received.
  15. 10 Indicators of a Spirit-Filled Leader—Sometimes we become fuzzy on what the Spirit-filled life looks like. This is a list of ten indicators that reveal the Holy Spirit’s filling in your life.
  16. Spiritual Leadership Conference Live Stream—We were able to live stream all of the main services of Spiritual Leadership Conference 2011. Additionally, the sessions are available for free download at We look forward to live streaming the conference again this year.
  17. Habits of Fruitful Soulwinners—No one becomes a good soulwinner by accident. Fruitful soulwinning happens through Spirit-filled people who develop habits of being ready and available for God to use them.
  18. The Significance of Israel—At a time when America desperately needs the blessing of God, we must understand the biblical significance of Israel.
  19. 5 Ways to Develop a Spirit of Grace in Your Church—Over the years, I’ve asked the Lord to help me emphasize His grace in our ministry. This post contains five guidelines which I have tried to follow.
  20. 5 Tips to Developing an Effective Summer Routine—Summer can be one of the most fruitful seasons of the year, if we learn to harness its energy.

Thanks again for reading The Pastor’s Perspective, and happy new year! I pray that you see God’s richest blessings in your life and ministry in 2012!

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