What True Patriots Do

What True Patriots Do

In 1776, American patriots pledged their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor” to sign the Declaration of Independence. And then they gave of themselves in unspeakable sacrifice to birth this great nation. These men understood that patriotism meant so much more than...
On the Twelfth Anniversary of 9/11

On the Twelfth Anniversary of 9/11

Today marks the twelfth anniversary of a date etched into the memory of every American old enough to remember—9/11/01. I’m so thankful to be an American. I love my country, and I’m thankful for God’s grace upon her. As I reflect on this tragic day, five thoughts come...
Against All Odds

Against All Odds

The Declaration of Independence was a statement against all odds. To some, it could have been called, The Declaration of Insanity. How could thirteen fledgling colonies win a war against the mother country? How could rough pioneers and poor farmers advance against a...

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