Professional Backslappers

Professional Backslappers

You know them—they slap your back and say an encouraging word…without really pausing to hear how you’re doing or if you actually need encouragement or maybe a listening ear. That’s annoying, but the worst problem with a professional backslapper is not what they do,...
The Ministry Multiplier You Forgot

The Ministry Multiplier You Forgot

One word: encouragement. It’s true. There are few tools that have the power to multiply your ministry like encouragement. Soulwinning and evangelism is the main thing. Discipleship is no less important. And encouragement is indispensable for both. As a Christian, my...
8 Ministry Lessons I’ve Learned

8 Ministry Lessons I’ve Learned

Here are eight miscellaneous bits of advice for anyone involved in local church ministry. Don’t try to build a great church; purpose to build great people. My goal has never been to build a large church, but to grow and edify people. Numeric growth doesn’t always...

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