by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 5, 2013 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
Not long ago, I was talking with a staff member of another church. In our conversation, he asked, “What can I, as a staff member, do to help bear the burden of my pastor?” His question was a blessing to me, and I’m sure the heart behind his question is a blessing to...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jul 22, 2013 | Christian Life, Media/Resources, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
Striving Together has recently published quite a few new resources. But there are two in particular that I want to ask you to consider. The first is a free resource: America Tomorrow. You can hear the entire material taught and download the companion book here. The...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jul 8, 2013 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
If there is a recurring theme I see in the modern day church—the seeker church—it is the “I want my rights” theme: I want my rights to drink, to party, to watch whatever I want, to go to church or not go to church—I want my rights. This attitude is sometimes seeping...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Jun 24, 2013 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
Every season is a gift from the Lord and should be used effectively for Him. Summer is a unique season that affords extra opportunities for growth, enrichment, and renewal—if we plan wisely. I always have a long list going into summer of what I want to accomplish. But...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | May 20, 2013 | Ministry Leadership, Spiritual Leadership Podcast
Why do we observe men in ministry? Ultimately, the answer to that question rests in the heart of the observer. Scripture expressly tells us why the Pharisees observed Jesus—for the sole purpose of finding fault: “And the scribes and Pharisees watched him, whether he...