Matthew and Katie Engaged!

Matthew and Katie Engaged!

Nearly twenty-four years ago our family moved to Lancaster, California, to begin ministry at Lancaster Baptist Church. At that time, we had two children, Danielle and Larry, and God soon blessed us with two more children, Kristine and Matthew. This past week, our...
Cancer, God, and Larry!

Cancer, God, and Larry!

I must admit I had never anticipated that words like cancer, surgery, or chemotherapy would be a part of our everyday, family vocabulary. Yet, in the past several weeks by God’s sovereign plan, we have seen our son Larry endure two major surgeries, and he is now...
Coming Home from Hospital

Coming Home from Hospital

Twelve days ago we brought our son, Larry, and his wife, Ashley, to Kaiser Sunset Hospital in Hollywood for RPLND surgery. After a lengthy surgery, Larry was sent to recovery, and then to his room on the seventh floor. A few days into recovery, Larry developed a...

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