20 Lessons from Megachurch Life

20 Lessons from Megachurch Life

This year marks my twentieth year to pastor what researchers call a megachurch—a church averaging over two thousand people in weekly attendance. Statistics on pastoral tenure in churches suggest that for a pastor to remain twenty-eight years in the ministry, let alone...
7 Statements Your Giving Makes

7 Statements Your Giving Makes

This past Sunday I preached from 1 Chronicles 28 and 29 on having a renewed vision for the work of God. Amazingly, after forty years of leading God’s people, David’s heart for God was still passionate, and his vision for God’s work was still fresh. As I studied for...
Four Men at a Table

Four Men at a Table

Earlier this week I had the joy of sitting with my brother and my two sons over a breakfast table for fellowship. We try to get together once or twice a year to talk about the state of our lives spiritually and the state of the work of God in America. Specifically,...

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