by Dr. Paul Chappell | Sep 7, 2015 | Ministry Leadership
If the ministry is anything, it is labor. Paul told Timothy, “This is a true saying, If a man desire the office of a bishop, he desireth a good work” (1 Timothy 3:1). And that is exactly what it is—work. I know there are many who look at a pastor or those who serve on...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 31, 2015 | Ministry Leadership
I firmly believe that Christ’s last command must be our first priority. I believe that every Christian individually as well as corporately with their church family should be actively engaged in sharing the gospel year round. As a pastor, I take seriously our...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 28, 2015 | Media/Resources, Ministry Leadership, Ministry News
One of the highlights every year for me at Spiritual Leadership Conference is the pre-conference Church Planter’s Luncheon on Monday afternoon. All church planters and their wives are invited for a complimentary meal, great fellowship with other church planters...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 25, 2015 | Ministry Leadership
Near the end of each summer, our staff pulls away from daily responsibilities for two days of training—usually at an off campus location. I greatly look forward to this time and spend many hours preparing for it. Although we have staff meeting each week, this annual...
by Dr. Paul Chappell | Aug 21, 2015 | Christian Life, Ministry Leadership
In the previous post I pointed out seven symptoms of one of the most dangerous spiritual diseases—apathy. A diagnose without a cure, however, is unhelpful. The direct counsel Christ Himself gave to the church at Laodicea was to humble themselves in repentance and...