7 Priorities for a Blessed December

7 Priorities for a Blessed December

It’s a strange thing about Christmas. We celebrate Jesus’ birth, and we use the celebration to further our efforts in sharing the gospel. But somehow we seem to easily lose focus this time of year more than any other. We even lose focus on good things—like ministry....
Discerning True Concern

Discerning True Concern

The Lord has given me the privilege of having dear friends in ministry—friends who love me and my family, challenge me in my spiritual growth, rejoice with me in God’s blessings, and hold me accountable in my personal life. Often in my life, and perhaps in yours as...
4 Simple Ways to Express Thanks to the Lord

4 Simple Ways to Express Thanks to the Lord

A few weeks ago, I preached from Luke 17 where Jesus healed ten lepers. One of the most convicting statements to me in that passage was Christ’s question to the man who returned to give Him thanks: “Where are the nine?” What really gripped my heart from that question...

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