The Subversion of Marriage

The Subversion of Marriage

News sources are buzzing with President Barack Obama’s announcement from yesterday: “At a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.”...
The Plow Is Calling

The Plow Is Calling

This morning I challenged the seventeenth graduating class of West Coast Baptist College just moments before their commencement exercises began with a simple thought: The minute you leave, put your hand to the plow and practice what you have learned. Our students have...
Texting for Grown-Ups

Texting for Grown-Ups

Several weeks ago, I was privileged to lead a man to the Lord for whom I had been praying for over six months. That was on a Sunday afternoon. A couple of days later, I was preaching out of state and two time zones away. I woke up early with this man on my mind, and I...

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