5 Ways Dads Can Redeem the Time

5 Ways Dads Can Redeem the Time

If you are a father with children at home, you are a blessed man. It seems just yesterday that I snapped the picture above. In reality, it was twenty years ago. When it comes to parenting, time flies. And I don’t regret a second of that fleeting time that I invested...
Quotes to Encourage

Quotes to Encourage

  I appreciate the way a concise quote can define and relate profound truth. For a change of pace,  I’m sharing twenty-five quotes on today’s blog that are among my favorites.  Every great movement of God can be traced to a kneeling figure.—D.L. Moody Prayer is...
When I Do X

When I Do X

One of the most seductive traps into fleshly ministry is the belief that we must gain God’s acceptance by our accomplishments. The accomplishments might even be spiritual goals—winning souls, building a Sunday school class, raising godly children. But if we undertake...
Keeping It Fresh: Summer Bible Study

Keeping It Fresh: Summer Bible Study

I asked Rick Houk, chairman of the Bible department at West Coast Baptist College, to write this guest post. Rick has a genuine love for God’s Word and passion to thoroughly study and rightly divide it. Nothing is more refreshing in the summer than a dinner with...
Standing on the Promises

Standing on the Promises

Do you ever feel inadequate for the demands of the day? I do—every day! The longer I serve the Lord, the more I recognize my need for His power. Also, the longer I serve Him, the more I recognize my need to trust His power. Through God’s Word, He has given us...
Against All Odds

Against All Odds

The Declaration of Independence was a statement against all odds. To some, it could have been called, The Declaration of Insanity. How could thirteen fledgling colonies win a war against the mother country? How could rough pioneers and poor farmers advance against a...

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