Prayerful Distinction of a WCBC Graduate

Prayerful Distinction of a WCBC Graduate

There was no way I could have known twenty years ago, when we welcomed the first group of students to West Coast Baptist College, what a joy it would be years down the road to see WCBC graduates serving the Lord in fruitful ministry. It seems now that wherever I...
The Leo Walther Legacy

The Leo Walther Legacy

You know who I wish could be at the twentieth commencement exercise for West Coast Baptist College this week? Leo Walther. And even though in my head I know that Heaven is infinitely better than college graduations, in my heart, I sort of think Leo would like to be...
3 Traits of Leaders Who Build

3 Traits of Leaders Who Build

In every work of God, there comes a point when a leader must ask, “Am I content to move forward in maintenance mode, or will I continue to build?” In theory, this question sounds simple. Who wouldn’t want to continue building, especially when you are co-laboring with...
Sending out Another Laborer

Sending out Another Laborer

Eight years ago this week—at a West Coast Baptist Youth Conference—God called my niece, Amie Richard, to missions. And this past Sunday night, we had the opportunity to send her out as a Lancaster Baptist Church missionary. After that Youth Conference eight years ago,...

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