What Jesus Gave Us at Christmas

What Jesus Gave Us at Christmas

At Lancaster Baptist Church, we give “Christmas gifts to Jesus.” It’s an opportunity for us as a church to tangibly give to the Lord whose birthday we celebrate, and it’s a great way for children to be reminded of the real purpose of Christmas. But the truth is,...
Mentoring and Modeling in the Home

Mentoring and Modeling in the Home

One of our annual traditions is taking a family picture to send out with our Christmas cards. For our picture this year (above), we went up to the Tehachapi mountains. I couldn’t help but remember that it was in a room located in these very mountains where twenty-five...
Do You Hear What I Hear?

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Like most people, I love the Christmas season. Terrie and I have been playing Christmas music since before Thanksgiving. We look forward to some time with all our family around later this month as we celebrate Christ’s coming. One of the songs I enjoy listening to is...
Two Comforts God Gives Grateful People

Two Comforts God Gives Grateful People

Four of the ten shortest verses in the English Bible are found in 1 Thessalonians 5:  16. Rejoice evermore.  17. Pray without ceasing.  19. Quench not the Spirit. 20. Despise not prophesyings. —1 Thessalonians 5:16–17, 19–20 And nestled right in the middle of them is...

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