Lunch? Today?

Lunch? Today?

Christian hospitality is one of the most fruitful of ministry disciplines. Over the years, my wife and I have made a habit of having people over on a regular basis, and we’ve found that opening our home for fellowship often opens hearts for discipleship and mentoring....
The Danger of Templates

The Danger of Templates

I use a template document for typing my sermon notes. But I guard against a template philosophy in preparing my sermons. My church deserves fresh sermons that are prayed over and thoroughly studied for—not cycled through. Templates are great for saving time. But...
How to Prepare for Revival

How to Prepare for Revival

I was saved in 1972, and since then, I’ve been to more revival services than I can remember. Over the years, I have found there to be a common delineator between the revivals when I sense God’s mighty work in my heart and the revivals when I haven’t. The key?...
Voluntary Pain

Voluntary Pain

One of the side effects of growth is discomfort. I’m challenging our church this year to be “Rooted in Christ” to experience growth in Him. But I’m also challenging myself. I want 2012 to be a year of growth in every area of my life. Unfortunately, growth often...

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