Caesarea – Holy Land Tour

Caesarea – Holy Land Tour

Caesarea Caesarea is located on the Mediterranean coast about midway between the city of Haifa and Tel Aviv. The city itself was built by Herod the Great and became the capital of the Roman government in Palestine. Its palace, theater, hippodrome, aqueduct and...
Joppa – Holy Land Tour

Joppa – Holy Land Tour

Tel Aviv/Jaffa Joppa (Jaffa; Tel Aviv-Jaffa) – is Tel Aviv. This is the city seaport that Jonah fled to when running from God. In the Hebrew “Joppa” means – Yapho -fo’ or יפוא Yaphow’ (Ezr 3:7) yaw-fo’= “beautiful.” In the Greek Ιοππη means the same,...

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