It would be impossible to list all of the answers to prayer and all of the ways God worked at Spiritual Leadership Conference Asia last week. But we sensed the Lord’s favor on every aspect of this conference, and I want to share several highlights of His goodness. 

Just before arriving in Manila, I was able to preach the pastoral installment service for Enoch Kim at the Bul Kwang Dong Bible Baptist Church in Seoul, Korea. This church was planted by Dr. Daniel Kim who pastored it for 65 years before the Lord called him home earlier this year. Enoch graduated from WCBC. He and Grace served on our staff at Lancaster Baptist Church for 15 years.

We prayed for months that the 2025 conference would be a catalyst for the spread of the gospel in the 10/40 window, and God answered those prayers in ways that exceeded our expectations. 

Spiritual Leadership Conference Asia is a biennial conference Lancaster Baptist Church hosts in Manila. Delegates attend from around the world for three days of spiritual encouragement, Bible preaching, and ministry equipping. (For more details about the purpose and goals of the conference, see this recent post.)

The attendance at this year’s conference was strong with pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers coming from sixty-two nations. Just reading through the names of the countries represented, as we did the opening night of the conference, is incredible. They included countries from every continent except Antartica and Christian workers from some of the most gospel-needy nations on Earth such as Afghanistan, Iran, Laos, and Malaysia. Throughout the week, it was a blessing to seek to encourage God’s servants from each of these countries.

It was a joy to hear firsthand from dozens of WCBC graduates who are reaching souls for Christ. I’m thankful for their labor for our Lord!

Each service carried the anointing of God. The Christ-exalting music, Bible preaching, and spirit of edification and fellowship was all a joy. Additionally, there was a spirit of responsiveness to the preaching of the Word and work of the Holy Spirit in every service.

Forty-eight breakout sessions provided practical equipping, while the fellowship among these faithful warriors offered encouragement and sharpening. It was a vivid picture of Philippians 1:27—striving together for the faith of the gospel.

WCBC students hit the ground running before the conference, sharing the gospel across Metro Manila and nearby provinces. Throughout the conference, they tirelessly served thousands of Christian leaders.

One of the greatest blessings to me at this conference is seeing and talking with many West Coast Baptist College alumni who are serving across the globe. Everywhere I turned, I saw familiar faces—men and women trained at WCBC now planting churches, discipling believers, and shining gospel light in places like the Philippines, Japan, Korea, Sri Lanka, Laos, India, Cambodia, and beyond. Their faithfulness to labor for Christ with a spirit of sacrifice and joy is a profound encouragement. 

Another source of blessing was the WCBC students who came to serve at the conference. They arrived a few days early and partnered with local churches for intense outreach across Metro Manila and nearby provinces. They shared the gospel in villages, public schools, on the streets, and door-to-door. Each of them were able to lead at least one person to Christ before the conference even started. During the conference, students served in countless ways—and made memories they will carry the rest of their lives. 

Our great prayer request for Spiritual Leadership Conference Asia has been the Lord’s prayer request—laborers for the harvest. In the final service, the Lord answered these prayers as hundreds sensed and surrendered to God’s call to gospel ministry.

After the conference, Terrie and I flew to Thailand to visit WCBC graduates Jay and Alisa Ballou, Chris and Becca Reed, and our niece Amie Chermue. We had a wonderful Sunday there, and I was privileged to preach the ordination service for Amie’s husband, Luke.

The climax of the conference came in the final service. As I preached, friends from around the world joined us in prayer asking the Lord to raise up laborers for His harvest (Matthew 9:38). What followed was a sacred moment: over two hundred men and women publicly surrendered to God’s call to gospel ministry. Please join me in praying for these new laborers—that God will guide, strengthen, and use them mightily.

Thank you to everyone who prayed with us. God is moving in Asia and around the world, and it’s a privilege to witness it firsthand. I’m more convinced than ever that the harvest is plenteous, and the Lord is faithful to send laborers when we seek Him. To our alumni, I pray for you regularly and rejoice in your steadfastness. To those who surrendered, know that you’re part of something eternal. And to all who joined us in prayer—keep praying for laborers for God’s harvest. 


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