Easter 2020 is not the Resurrection Sunday we were expecting. Nor is it the one we were planning for a month ago. But it is the Easter in front of us this Sunday, and we trust that God is not limited by the social distancing restrictions imposed by COVID-19.

Although this Sunday will look different as an outreach event than any year prior, I’m excited about the special opportunities it brings to reach people with the gospel. I’m convinced that there are people who are more aware of their need for God than they were a month ago. And I love the thought that churches will get to share the gospel directly into homes all around the world this Easter Sunday!

In fact, I’m very excited about our online services. I’ll be preaching a message titled “Only Jesus.” It is a gospel message about how only Jesus conquers fear, failure, and death. 

As churches around the world prepare for this special Sunday, many through an online venue and some a drive-in venue, I’d like to encourage you to really put your heart this week into preparing. Here are several ways: 

  1. Pray for your pastor. This is his first time to prepare and preach a major outreach event under the current challenges. Pray the Lord gives him clarity in both his preparation and delivery. And let him know you’re praying for him. 
  2. Ask God to show you who you can invite. Who of your relatives, neighbors, or co-workers have you been praying would come to Christ? Send a text or make a phone call to invite them. Don’t assume that just because this is a different venue than a normal church service people won’t be interested. They may be more interested.
  3. Post invitations on social media. Chances are, you have friends or followers on your social accounts who are not saved. Share invitations to your Easter services. One of the great potentials of this year’s live stream services is the way it removes the physical barrier for unsaved family and friends who may live across the country.   
  4. Pray for God to work in hearts. One of my favorite phrases in the New Testament is Paul’s statement in Acts 20:23, “the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city.” I guarantee you that there are people in your city in whose hearts the Holy Spirit is already working. Pray for them to hear the gospel and be saved. 
  5. Celebrate the Resurrection! Wake up Easter morning anticipating a great service. Get dressed, gather around your TV or computer with open Bibles and ready to focus. Remember that Resurrection Sunday is about celebrating Christ’s victory over the sin, death, and the grave…and He is still risen! 

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