It’s been a blessing to me over the past several weeks to hear from many new friends who are using the Spiritual Leadership Podcast and even sharing it with others.

It is our desire through this podcast to take things we’re learning here at Lancaster Baptist Church and share them with friends from across the country and around the world.

In the newest episode, we continue the discussion about team-building leaders. (You do not need to watch the previous two episodes first to benefit from this one, but if you can, they could be a help. Part 1 was about Spiritual Leaders and Part 2 about Strategic Leaders.)

An equipping leader is someone who sees his responsibility not only to teach the great truths of the Bible, but to teach them in such a way that the church can then use those truths around the common goal of getting the gospel out. In this podcast, I share three ways I’ve tried to equip the teams I’ve led—staff or volunteer.

I take the first few minutes, however, to answer three questions viewers have emailed:

  • I’m serving in a great ministry, but struggling in my role. Do I need to be patient in my role or approach my pastor?
  • What books of the Bible or sermon series do you find effective in starting a new church, especially with newer Christians who have little biblical background?
  • What about church finances? Should every detail be left open for the members on a regular basis?

If you want to jump right into the podcast, you can begin at 9:20. If you would like to send a question or topic that you would like addressed in future episodes, you can send an email to

(If you cannot view this video in your email or RSS reader, click here.)

You can subscribe to the Spiritual Leadership Podcast via iTunesStitcher, or YouTube.

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