
One of the miracles of last week was how the Lord anointed every service of Spiritual Leadership Conference. Because of Chandler’s hospitalization, I wasn’t as able to tend to the details of the conference as normal, yet, God, in His own way, touched this conference for His glory.

Our theme was Continue from 2 Timothy 3:14, and the emphasis was on continuing with a heart for God and in the work of God with renewed passion and commitment to Christ. I’ve been praying for the conference guests and for each pastor and church represented that the Lord will use the truths and helps from the conference to bear fruit that remains in their churches and communities.

For the past several years, we have placed as much of the conference as we can online for two groups of people—those who could not attend the conference and those who could.

I’d like to highlight the online resources available to you and suggest a few ways you might use them.

Resources from the Conference

How to Use These Resources

There are well over a hundred hours of free resources in the list above, and we make them available because we really want you to use them! Here are a few suggestions:

  • Review a service or session God used in your life. Was there a sermon that God used to speak to you? A session that gave you practical help? Go back and watch or listen to it again.
  • Catch a session you missed. Out of seventy-five split sessions, you could only attend five during the conference. Look for one of the split sessions you wish you could have heard, and listen to it now.
  • Use them for staff training. Watch/listen together in staff meeting, or ask your team to listen to particular sessions and then discuss in staff meeting. (If you are a pastor who was unable to bring your staff for the conference, I’d especially encourage you to draw from the sessions I taught on Tuesday morning and Wednesday morning. These were both full of material that I have taught to our staff.)
  • Bookmark as a resource to continue using throughout the year. Perhaps you’d like to review or listen to one session a week. Or maybe you’d like to hear one of the preaching services each month. Set bookmarks for the services and sessions, and set reminders to come back to them throughout the year.
  • Share with others. Take a moment to text a friend or post to Twitter or Facebook about these free resources.

Take the Continue Challenge

Inspiration and ideas are useless if they don’t promote action. If we hear truth only, but we don’t do something with it, we are hearers and not doers—no matter how earnestly we agree with what we heard.

So here is my challenge to you: list several specific action items of what you will do with what you learned.

You may want to start by reviewing your notes from the conference or jotting down the areas where God worked in your heart.

But make sure you end with a list of action items These are the things I am going to do (or do differently) because of this conference…

Let the work that God did in your heart through the conference continue even after it is over by putting into action the items that He placed on your heart.

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