When Paul wrote to young Timothy, he emphasized the importance of the ministry—specifically of serving as a “good minister.”

If thou put the brethren in remembrance of these things, thou shalt be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine, whereunto thou hast attained.—1 Timothy 4:6

Our hearts’ desire at West Coast Baptist College is to train up a new generation of men and women who will be good ministers—servants—of Christ.

We believe that ministry really does matter. And because it matters, we believe the following four areas matter as well:

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Your Spiritual Life Matters

The most gifted spiritual leader can’t ignore their spiritual life—not without repercussions.

This is why when training laborers here at WCBC, we give priority to spiritual growth. From daily chapel services to devotional times in the dorms to encouragement in personal time with the Lord, we emphasize the necessity of a personal, developing walk with God.

Additionally, our staff and faculty actively invest in mentoring students and maintain an open door policy to students in need of counsel or help.

Your Academic Life Matters

Spiritual leaders should be growing leaders—not just spiritually, but in knowledge and understanding as well.

When it comes to Bible college, we believe that academic growth is vital. Nearly all of our professors have an advanced degree in his or her field. Each year, we’re making great strides to maintain a strong academic program for our students.

Your Soulwinning Life Matters

When it really comes down to it, serving in ministry is about fulfilling the Great Commission, which begins with leading people to Christ. Every Christian should be equipped to defend and share their faith, and every Christian should be actively, consistently involved in sharing the gospel with the lost.

At Lancaster Baptist Church, we endeavor to keep soulwinning the central activity of our week, and students at WCBC benefit from this emphasis. In addition to door-to-door soulwinning, college students have the opportunity to serve alongside church members in the bus ministry, special outreach events, and other evangelistic ministries.

Your Social Life Matters

Christian fellowship is one of the sharpening gifts of God to those in ministry. If we neglect fellowshipping with others in things of the Lord, we miss opportunities for encouragement, edification, and growth.

Bible college is a wonderful place to enjoy this gift of fellowship, and at WCBC, there are many opportunities for it! We’re especially excited about the Walther Center, in construction now and scheduled to be completed this summer, that will provide a wonderful place to gather, relax, study, and enjoy Bible college with friends.

Because Ministry Matters…

Ministry does matter, and because it does, spiritual leaders must give attention to these four areas of their lives—spiritual, academic, soulwinning, and social.

At WCBC, we have endeavored to encourage growth in each of these areas. If you are praying about God’s will for your future, I encourage you to consider coming to WCBC and discover how God could equip you for ministry. Come visit anytime, or call our college offices with any questions.

If you are currently serving in ministry, I encourage you to give attention to these four areas of your life. Ministry does matter. Thus, the life of a minister matters as well!

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